Sunday, August 10, 2008


Yes Jessica you did see me at beach vball sporting a sweet pink poncho! (Joanne saw me too) About 2 minutes after they started it started to rain pretty good. Luckily the photo-helper people brought out ponchos again.

I'm ridding the bus back after shooting three basketball games (including USA vs China), before that I shot synchronized diving and before that I shot beach volleyball! So I've been working 17 1/2 hours and I'll be lucky to be done by 20.

And to top it off I gotta get up early to shoot swimming! So if I'm lucky I'll get to bed about 4 and then I have to get up at 7, oh boy!

I'm so freaking hungry right now that I'm gonna go hit up McDonald's (sorry Nol) for a double cheeseburger meal. Their fries are excellent by the way.

Oh damn it someone just farted on this packed bus - gross

I promise superhappytime pics next time. Hold your breath because I'm about to take it away! (Get it like breathitaking?). Sorry.


jessica medinger said...

um, would you please take your turn in wordscraper? oh and scramble? it's not like you've got anything else to do. sheesh!

Nol Le Meyer said...

McDonald's is an acceptable alternative to starvation. . . I guess

Juliette said...

Nhat, you are amazing. !7 hours and not done. If you're not careful you are going to waste away...

jcfphotography said...

hey Nhat! get me a happy meal from China! Do they have any Speed Racer toys left?

Jeff said...

Nhat waste away? What, by losing a half a pound? Dude, eat 15 big macs.
Seriously, if we, your loyal readers, wanted to READ about the Olympics, we'd go to a professional writer's blog. Where's the flippin' pictures?

Photo-John said...

I want to see a photo of you in the pink poncho. That would be great for your profile page on! Anyone got a photo of Nhat in the pink poncho?